Press release: EJJP fact-finding trip to Israel and the West Bank

February 9, 2006 The Occupation is not sustainable, the Occupation is illegal, theOccupation must stopEJJP is a federation of Jewish groups from many European countries, opposed tothe Occupation of the Palestinian territory. We back non-violent action aimed atending the Occupation – including boycott actions aimed against the occupation andrefusal of… Read More »Press release: EJJP fact-finding trip to Israel and the West Bank

Press release: Jewish and Palestinian organisations defy EU secrecy

December 21, 2005 Dismayed by the refusal of EU to publish their own Ramallah and East Jerusalem Heads of Mission findings regarding Israeli state actions towards non Jewish residents of East Jerusalem, Jewish and other peace groups and Palestinian Solidarity campaigns around Europe have decided they must take matters into… Read More »Press release: Jewish and Palestinian organisations defy EU secrecy

Letter to Commission President Barroso: report compiled by the UK’s Jerusalem consulate

December 8, 2005 President Manuel Barroso European Union 200 Rue de la Loi B1049 Brussels Belgium Dear President Barroso I am writing to bring to your attention how disappointed we were concerning the decision of the EU to delay taking action after receiving the recent report , compiled by the… Read More »Letter to Commission President Barroso: report compiled by the UK’s Jerusalem consulate

In the shadow of disengagement

November 28, 2005 World leaders and their media sycophants have greeted Sharon’s disengagement from Gazawith almost audible and distasteful sighs of relief. It is as if Sharon has provided them with asalve for their guilty consciences, smarting from the discomfort of the ICJ ruling against theSeparation Barrier and the refusal… Read More »In the shadow of disengagement

EJJP 2005 Annual Plenary Session.

October19, 2005 Refuse to support the Israeli occupation! In defence of international law and human rights:boycott, divestment and sanctions against the occupation.At its meeting in London in September 2005 the EJJP decided to add to its declaration of aimsthe following clauses:a. EJJP supports non violent action aimed at ending the… Read More »EJJP 2005 Annual Plenary Session.

EJJP letter to the European Union Monitoring Commission about the ‘Working Definition of Antisemitism’

October 13, 2005 At its conference in London in September 2005, European Jews for a Just Peace, a federation of Jewish peace organisation in ten European countries, noted that the EUMC had produced a highly problematic ‘Working Definition of Antisemitism’. We have two comments, on process and on content: On… Read More »EJJP letter to the European Union Monitoring Commission about the ‘Working Definition of Antisemitism’

No Other Way – Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against the Occupation

September 11, 2005 o all appearances every political action against the ongoing Israeli Occupation and its illegal elements has been outmanoeuvred by the occupying power. For thirty-eight years massive land and water confiscation, roadblocks, extrajudicial killings, closures, curfews, and collective punishment have taken place in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, in… Read More »No Other Way – Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against the Occupation


June 10, 2005 European Jews for a Just Peace, being a part of the international solidarity movement supporting the human and political rights of Israelis and Palestinians alike, calls upon Israeli academics to boycott the continuing presence of the Israeli army on Palestinian territory. We know that many members of… Read More »CALL UPON ISRAELI ACADEMICS

EJJP lobbies Commission President Barroso: do not offer Israel more economic benefits

April 11, 2005 Dear President Barroso European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP) welcomes the mission of Mr Leffler to Israel later this month. But we are gravely concerned that the EU will offer Israel economic benefits in exchange for minor humanitarian gestures. Our concerns are twofold: humanitarian “gestures” cannot… Read More »EJJP lobbies Commission President Barroso: do not offer Israel more economic benefits