Letter to Vice President Morgantini: recognising the Palestinian government an ending sanctions

March 19, 2007 Dear Madame Vice President, We have read with great appreciation your recent press statement, in which you urge the immediate recognition of the new Palestinian Government by the European Union.  It is our fervent hope, as well, that the European Union will end the sanctions and boycott against the Palestinian people, which… Read More »Letter to Vice President Morgantini: recognising the Palestinian government an ending sanctions

Presentation by European Jews for a Just Peace at the European Parliament

February 27, 2007 On behalf of the Executive Committee of EJJP the following statement was made by its Chairman, Dror Feiler:  “The EJJP is a federation of 14 Jewish peace organisations from different European countries which agreed at the founding meeting in Amsterdam 2002 that the only way out of the… Read More »Presentation by European Jews for a Just Peace at the European Parliament

Letter to Commissioner of External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy

July 4, 2006 To: Mrs. Benita Ferrero-WaldnerCommissioner of External Relations and European Neighbourhood PolicyEuropean CommissionWetstraat 200B-1049 BrusselsBelgiumAmsterdam, 4 July 2006 Dear Mrs Ferrero-Waldner, We have noted the statements of 30 January, 9 May 2006 and 19 June 2006, made onbehalf of the Quartet (United Nations, United States, European Union and… Read More »Letter to Commissioner of External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy

Letter to Commission President Barroso: temporary international mechanism

July 4, 2006 To: Jose Manuel BarrosoPresident of the CommissionEuropean CommissionWetstraat 200B -1049 BrusselsBelgiumAmsterdam, 4 July 2006Dear President Barroso,We have noted the statements of 30 January, 9 May 2006 and 19 June 2006, made onbehalf of the Quartet (United Nations, United States, European Union and RussianFederation).In these statements the Quartet… Read More »Letter to Commission President Barroso: temporary international mechanism

Letter to High Representative Solana: do not cease funding the Palestinian Authority

May 27, 2006 Mr. Javier SOLANA High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy,Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union Conseil de l’Union européenne Rue de la Loi, 175 1048 Bruxelles Call Upon The EU Governments And Ministers Who Go To The Meeting On The 15th Of June… Read More »Letter to High Representative Solana: do not cease funding the Palestinian Authority

Urgent Call for Action

April 25, 2006 Against the Oppression and Starvation of the Palestinian PeopleInternational Outcry of Jewish OrganizationsIn defence of human rights and humanitarian law Prevent Israel’s policy of destruction, oppression and collective punishment of the people inthe Occupied Palestinian Territories.• Prevent the government of your country from being complicit in crimes… Read More »Urgent Call for Action

Letter to Commission High Reresentative: do not cut aid to Palestinians

April 10, 2006 Dear Mr. Solana, It is with great dismay, shock and concern that we note the proposed cutting of aid from the European Union to the Palestinian population. This amounts to a collective punishment meted out to approximately 3,500,000 Palestinians. Forcing people to go hungry is not an… Read More »Letter to Commission High Reresentative: do not cut aid to Palestinians

Letter to Commission President Barroso: do not cut aid to Palestinians

April 10, 2006 Dear President Barroso, It is with great dismay, shock and concern that we note the proposed cutting of aid from the European Union to the Palestinian population. This amounts to a collective punishment meted out to approximately 3,500,000 Palestinians. Forcing people to go hungry is not an… Read More »Letter to Commission President Barroso: do not cut aid to Palestinians

Letter to High Representative Solana: temporary international mechanism

July 4, 2006 To: Javier SolanaHigh Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy,Secretary-General of the Council of the European UnionEuropean CommissionWetstraat 175B-1048 BrusselsBelgiumAmsterdam, 4 July 2006Dear Mister Solana,We have noted the statements of 30 January, 9 May 2006 and 19 June 2006, made onbehalf of the Quartet (United Nations,… Read More »Letter to High Representative Solana: temporary international mechanism

EJJP statement: ultra right-wing Israeli politician said “left-wing activists are bringing destruction on themselves”

March 20, 2006 Baruch Marzel: IDF must assassinate left-wing activist Uri AvneryBy N adav S hragai, Haaretz Correspondent National Jewish Front leader Baruch Marzel, now campaigning for the March 28 Knesset election, saidMonday the leaders of the Kadima party are “traitors” and “criminals” and called on the Israel DefenseForces to… Read More »EJJP statement: ultra right-wing Israeli politician said “left-wing activists are bringing destruction on themselves”

Letter to Roger Waters

March 16, 2006 31 Ruvigny Gardens 16th March 2006 London SW15 1JR Dear Mr Waters It was with some surprise that we heard of your intention to play a concert in Tel Aviv, particularly given your known support of a petition against the illegal Separation Wall that Israel is using… Read More »Letter to Roger Waters