Arthur Goodman

EJJP lobbies the European Parliament co-Presidents to support recognition of the state of Palestine

November 24 2014 Parliamentary Co-Presidents Philippe Lamberts, Rebecca Harms and Raphael Fisera Dear Mr. Lamberts, Ms. Harmsand Mr. Fisera, We are writing about the draft resolution for recognition of the new Palestinian State that the political groups are now discussing. We urge you to use your influence to frame a… Read More »EJJP lobbies the European Parliament co-Presidents to support recognition of the state of Palestine

EJJP lobbies High Representative Ashton: the EU should do all in its power to stop the Israeli assault on Gaza.

July 22, 2014 To High Representative Ashton, Pierre Vimont, Christian Berger, Permanent Representatives and Political Advisors. c.c. Leonello Gabrici, Helga Schmid Dear High Representative Ashton et al, The Israeli ground invasion of Gaza continues. The casualty toll now stands at 500+ killed and thousands wounded. Although leaders in the international… Read More »EJJP lobbies High Representative Ashton: the EU should do all in its power to stop the Israeli assault on Gaza.

EJJP lobbies member state Permanent Representatives: the EU must do all it can to de-escalate the fighting in Gaza.

July 13, 2014 To Permanent Representatives. c.c. Political Advisors Dear Permanent Representative, We are writing about the fighting between Israel and Hamas, which has now escalated into long range rockets being fired by Hamas and major Israeli air attacks on Gaza, aiming at military and civilian objects alike. We are… Read More »EJJP lobbies member state Permanent Representatives: the EU must do all it can to de-escalate the fighting in Gaza.

EJJP lobbies High Representative Ashton and others: hold firm on the Territorial Guidelines, do not concede to Israel.

January 1, 2014 To High Representative Ashton, Pierre Vimont, Christian Berger, Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner Tajani, Permanent Representatives and Political Advisors c.c. Leonello Gabrici, Helga Schmid Dear High Representative Ashton et al, We write further to our letter of 18 November. In the last few days, Prime Minister Netanyahu has announced… Read More »EJJP lobbies High Representative Ashton and others: hold firm on the Territorial Guidelines, do not concede to Israel.

EJJP lobbies the Parliament’s Research, Industry, and Energy Committee to hold firm against Israel’s latest attempt to nullify the Territorial Guidelines

October 6, 2013 To the Members of the Research, Industry, and Energy Committee, We have already written to High Representative Ashton, the Permanent Representatives and others in support of the Commission’s new Territorial Guidelines relating to Israel, and we are now writing to you as Israel and its lobbyists have changed… Read More »EJJP lobbies the Parliament’s Research, Industry, and Energy Committee to hold firm against Israel’s latest attempt to nullify the Territorial Guidelines

EJJP lobbies EU member states to resist US pressure to postpone the Guidelines

September 16, 2013 To the Permanent Representative and the Political Advisor, Further to our letter of 31 August, we are now writing to you about Secretary of State Kerry’s tactic in asking the European Union to postpone implementing the Guidelines in order to give the peace negotiations a chance by… Read More »EJJP lobbies EU member states to resist US pressure to postpone the Guidelines

EJJP commends High Representative Ashton and others for creating the Territorial Guidelines to deny EU finance to Israeli entities that operate in the occupied territories

August 15, 2013 Dear Vice President and High Representative Ashton, Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner De Gucht, and Commissioner Tajani, We are writing both to commend the Commission for the recently published Guidelines on the territorial limitation of grants, prizes and financial instruments relating to Israel, funded by the EU from 2014… Read More »EJJP commends High Representative Ashton and others for creating the Territorial Guidelines to deny EU finance to Israeli entities that operate in the occupied territories

The battle to make Israel comply with international law continues: EJJP lobbies Social & Democratic Group MEPS against voting for the ACCA with Israel

September 27, 2012 Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats MEPs European Parliament Dear Sir/Madam, We are writing about the forthcoming vote on the ACAA Protocol in Plenary. For several reasons, we believe Parliament should not assent to ACAA at the present time. Firstly and fundamentally is the political. We know… Read More »The battle to make Israel comply with international law continues: EJJP lobbies Social & Democratic Group MEPS against voting for the ACCA with Israel

EJJP lobbies EU External Action Service to suspend Israel’s benefits under the Association Agreement

May 12, 2012 Messrs. Leonello Gabricci and Mark Galagher Division Middle East II European External Action Service Dear Mr. Gabricci and Mr. Galagher, We are writing about the European Union’s relations with Israel, and in particular with respect to the Council of Ministers meeting next week. There is little point… Read More »EJJP lobbies EU External Action Service to suspend Israel’s benefits under the Association Agreement

EJJP lobbies Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee against progressing the ACCA with Israel

April, 18, 2012 Dear Foreign Affairs Committee Member, We are writing to urge you to vote to recommend that the INTA Committee suspends the assent procedure to the ACAA protocol until Israel commits to negotiate in good faith to create a Palestinian state based on the internationally legitimate 4th June… Read More »EJJP lobbies Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee against progressing the ACCA with Israel

Letter to MEPs, members of European Delegation for relations with Israel

February 19, 2011 Dear Member of the European Parliament,From February 21st until February 25th your delegation, the European Delegation for relations with Israel, will travel to Israel. First and foremost I hope that you will have a fruitful journey.European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP), a federation of eleven Jewish… Read More »Letter to MEPs, members of European Delegation for relations with Israel

EJJP writes to MEPs: MEPs should not be taken in by the rosy views of Israeli policy presented by the European Friends of Israel.

Rue Joseph II, 174BE – 1000 BrusselsPhone +322 2346818E-mail February 2, 2011 Dear Member of the European Parliament, Recently you or at least several of your colleagues were invited to participate in a trip, for free, to Israel, which includes a conference to be held in Jerusalem from February… Read More »EJJP writes to MEPs: MEPs should not be taken in by the rosy views of Israeli policy presented by the European Friends of Israel.

EJJP urges MEPs to support truthful labelling of Israeli settlement goods

November 30, 2010 Dear Member of the European Parliament,On 6 September 2010 four Members of the European Parliament tabled a “writtendeclaration on the labeling of goods from the OPT”. The declaration, which can be found asan annex to this letter, affirms that “European consumers have a right to accurate labeling… Read More »EJJP urges MEPs to support truthful labelling of Israeli settlement goods

EJJP informs French United Nations Mission of its appeal on the Goldstone Report

February 28, 2010 Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations245 East 47th Street, 44th floorNew York City, N.Y. 10017United States of America Amsterdam, February 3th 2010 Dear Sir / Madam, Through this letter I would like to inform you about an appeal formulated by “European Jews for a Just… Read More »EJJP informs French United Nations Mission of its appeal on the Goldstone Report

EJJP lobbies High Representative Ashton: European Commission should follow up recent declarations with action

February 28, 2010 Ms. Catherine Ashton, High representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, 200 Rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels. Amsterdam, February 30th 2010, Dear Ms. Ashton, On behalf of “European Jews for a Just Peace” (EJJP) I send you this letter to congratulate you… Read More »EJJP lobbies High Representative Ashton: European Commission should follow up recent declarations with action