European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP) is a federation of 12 European Jewish peace groups campaigning in 9 countries throughout Europe against the occupation of the Palestinian Territories by Israel, and against all forms of racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia domestically. EJJP further engages in debates within Jewish communities across Europe on the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and advocates extensively on the European level on issues of Palestinian rights, the Israeli occupation, and on the distinction between freedom of speech on Israel and antisemitism. EJJP was founded in 2002 out of concern for Israelis, Palestinians, and the Jewish communities in Europe.

Member groups’ activities
This page provides examples of our member groups’ work. There are campaigns, articles and letters, presenting the diversity of their work.
Our latest updates:
- EJJP supports Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territoriesEJJP has signed a statement supporting Francesca Albanese, along with 29 other Jewish organizations and groups from Europe, Northern America and Israel/Palestine. Francesca Albanese has long been under attack from politically motivated organizations, which have been waging toxic smear campaigns to silence her and to harm her human… Read More »EJJP supports Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories
- EJJP lobbies the European Union: the EU-Israel Association Agreement should be suspendedOn 4th November 2024, EJJP had an online meeting with Michael Mann, Head of Division (MENA.2), EEAS, about Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, its assault on Lebanon and the illegality of the occupation. All of these should have consequences for the EU-Israel Association Agreement. Our letter is of… Read More »EJJP lobbies the European Union: the EU-Israel Association Agreement should be suspended
- EJJP lobbies the EU High Representative about GazaOn 11 November 2023, EJJP lobbied Dr. Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to demand a ceasefire in order to protect the Palestinians in Gaza from further major harm. EJJP also asked him to urge the United States to change its policy… Read More »EJJP lobbies the EU High Representative about Gaza
- EJJP Op Ed in EUobserverDror Fieler and Arthur Goodman wrote an op ed about the despicable Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians and the equally despicable Israeli reprisals against the Palestinians in Gaza. Dror Feiler, Chair, EJJP; Judar för Israelisk-Palestinsk Fred, Stockholm Arthur Goodman, Executive member, EJJP; Parliamentary and Diplomatic Liaison Officer, Jews… Read More »EJJP Op Ed in EUobserver
- One war crime does not justify another.We, European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP), have no words strong enough to express our shock and pain after Hamas’ horrific attack of October 7 in Israel. This terrible massacre is a war crime and a crime against humanity. Slaughtering hundreds of unarmed and defenseless civilians –… Read More »One war crime does not justify another.
EJJP has been engaged in challenging Israel to comply with international law, as well as protecting the space for debate about Israel, including through challenging the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism.

Our Member Organizations

Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique
Union of Progressive Jews in Belgium

Een Andere Joodse Stem
Another Jewish Voice

Europeiske Jøder for en Rettferdig Fred
European Jews for a Just Peace

Union Juive Française pour la Paix Jewish
French Union for Peace

Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost
Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Near East
Rete degli Ebrei contro l’Occupazione
Network of Jews against Occupation
The Netherlands
Een Ander Joods Geluid
A Different Jewish Voice
Judar för Israelisk-Palestinsk Fred
Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Jüdische Stimme für Demokratie und Gerechtigkeit in Israel/Palästina
Jewish Voice for a Just Peace between Israel & Palestine
Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Jewish Socialists Group
Public Statement by Jewish European Organizations on the Definition and Elimination of Anti-Semitism
As Jewish European organizations committed to the elimination of anti-Semitism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and all other forms of racism, we ask the European institutions, including the European Commission, the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), and members of the European Parliament, to shun attempts by the Israeli government to use false allegation of anti-Semitism to limit and criminalize work by civil society organizations, including those of diverse Jewish communities of Europe, to pursue peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.